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The roles and responsibilities of the committee are as follows:

Faculty Advisor:

The advisor establishes and maintains the continuity of the student chapter.

The advisor’s actions are guided by a clear understanding of the materials field in a societal context as well as familiarity with the benefits of participation in an established professional community.

The advisor should be an enthusiastic supporter of students’ efforts and will make many important contributions at planned events and activities throughout the chapter year.


Works closely with the faculty advisor to ensure ongoing communication 

Presides at all meetings of the chapter and its Executive Committee 

Delegates committee responsibilities and makes committee appointments as outlined in the chapter’s bylaws

Coordinates communication with all the committee of the student chapter. 

Coordinates and assures chapter reporting and record keeping functions


Directs the major chapter activity of the year

Serves as chair of the chapter’s Program Committee

Leads the chapter in the absence of the Chairman

General Secretary:

Maintains all Student chapter records.

Keeps minutes for all chapter Executive Committee meetings

Acts as an official correspondent for the Student chapter.

Fulfills all reporting requirements including weekly, monthly meeting and annual reports.  Submits information to faculty advisor by the end of the event.


Receives and deposits all funds paid into the chapter.

Disburses funds as authorized by the Executive Committee.

Prepares financial reports for chapter meetings.

Submits financial information for annual report of the events

Advisory committee:

Advisory committee will be assisting the faculty advisor in identifying the needs, planning the events, draft the descriptions, source and finalize the event.

Advisory committee will be participate in executive committee meetings and sharing their opinions and prospective and develop recommendations in a focused manner.

Website maintenance Committee:

To disseminate the efforts and the achievements of the College, Students, Staff to the outer world through Website updates.  To identify to update academic, administrative and auxiliary functions.  To identify to enhance for all programme offered by the department are stated and displayed on website.  To identify strategic initiatives for the website and present it to Faculty advisor for review and updating.  To display core values, Vision & Mission Program outcomes, Program specific outcomes and course outcomes.

Finance Committee:

The annual accounts and financial estimates of the Organization shall be placed before the Finance Committee for scrutiny and thereafter submitted to the executive committee together with the comments of the Finance Committee for approval.

The Finance Committee shall fix limits of the total recurring expenditure and the total non-recurring expenditure for the events, based on the income and resources of the Student chapter. No expenditure shall be incurred by the student chapter in excess of the limits so fixed.

No expenditure other than that provided in the budget shall be incurred by the organization without the approval of the Finance Committee.

Prepares plan of expenditure for conducting of events

To consider audited accounts of the events and submits the audited accounts to executive body.

To scrutinize the budget submitted by the different committees and monitor the utilization of student chapter budget

Consider and submit the audited accounts to the treasurer .

Management Committee:

Management committee have ultimate responsibility for directing the activity of the student chapter, ensuring it is well run and delivering the outcomes for which it has been set up. Management committee should provide leadership to the organization by: 

Setting the strategic direction to guide and direct the activities of the student chapter. Ensuring the effective management of the student chapter and its activities; and monitoring the activities of the organization to ensure they are in keeping with the founding principles, objects and values.

Management committee members carry out a vital role within the community and voluntary sector. Their role is not necessarily about doing, it is about ensuring things are done.

The management committee is the group of people who are held accountable for the activities of the organization.

Design Committee:

Design committee will be planning and promoting the event in the student community by designing broachers, invitations, posters, banners and other promoting needs by taking suggestions of the executive and advisory committees.

Infrastructure committee:

Infrastructure committee will be working under the guidance of the executive and management committee and will be identifying and arranging all the requirement of the events.

Discipline Committee:

The Discipline Committee is constituted for the maintenance of discipline in the events.  The committee will ensure that students obey rules and remain orderly and peaceful in conduction of events

To create a safe and motivating environment in events and to bring professionalism among students by the inculcation of best practices.

To have an optimistic approach in imparting discipline among students.

To frame rules and regulations to maintain discipline in events

To encourage Good and Healthy Practices.


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